Making your New Year’s resolution stick

Making your New Year’s resolution stick

Simplify your goals

Forget about an overhaul of your entire lifestyle, this approach to the New Year is a recipe for guilt and dissatisfaction. Instead, of all the things you hope to achieve in 2018, prioritise their importance. Perhaps there are two primary resolutions that will make the others on your list easier to achieve.

For example, cutting down your alcohol intake can lead to you making better food choices and having more energy to exercise. Find balance in one area of your life and it will begin to impact others.


Make notes

Seeing your ambitions written down can help spur you in to action by creating a greater connection between your thinking self and your doing self. A record of your motivations can also serve as a welcome reminder on weak-willed days.

And why not jot down the improvements you feel too? If abstaining from alcohol has given you the energy to tackle twice your typical workload this week – take note!


Take small steps

If your goal is to be more active this year, start out by scheduling just two to three gym workouts a week. Introduce small changes such as taking the stairs, or getting off a stop earlier on your morning commute.

Following the hectic party season it’s normal to feel a little burnt out, so go easy and introduce the small changes that make a big difference.


Be patient and positive

Success is seldom linear, so don’t throw in the towel if you don’t see rapid results. Frame your resolutions in a positive light, and instead of saying ‘I’m too tired to get to the gym tonight’, say ‘I always have so much energy after going to the gym and feel great’. This mind set is important because it means that instead of obsessing about hitting big milestones, you’ll be enjoying the journey instead.


Engineer your environment for success

Planning to hit the gym in the morning? Get your workout gear ready the night before. Hoping to shed a few pounds but can’t quit snacking? Empty your cupboards of tempting treats and stock up your fridge with healthier options like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Little changes to your environment can go a long way in preventing setbacks and transforming your routine


Don’t tell yourself ‘no’

Complete deprivation is a slippery slope. The idea that abstinence is a virtue can lead to ill-fated relapses. Though some things are bad for us in abundance, don’t refrain from the things you enjoy entirely and deny everything at once. Enjoy a balanced lifestyle – whether that’s an occasional glass of wine or an indulgent sweet treat once in a while.

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