Heart healthy Valentine’s Day Tips

Heart healthy Valentine’s Day Tips

 By February, many people may have given up on their New Year’s resolutions to get fit or lose weight this year. But for those that are still persevering with their healthy lifestyle, national holidays like Valentine’s Day can act as a big road block in the way, with unhealthy goods like chocolates and wine usually the go-to V-Day gift.

 While we all deserve to treat ourselves once in a while, there are ways you can still maintain a healthy diet and enjoy Valentine’s Day with your loved one. Here are our CEO Martin Ricketts’ tips for getting the balance right this Valentine’s Day.


Cook up a storm with heart-healthy dishes

In charge of cooking this Valentine’s Day? Choose heart-healthy recipes such as fish that is high in omega-3.  Salmon is a perfect example of this and these recipes are easy to make. Good for the heart and tasty…we’d call that a win-win!

Valentine’s gifts don’t have to be calorific

Chocolates might be the go-to Valentine’s gift, but if your loved one is trying to cut out sweet treats, there is a healthy alternative that will still earn you present points. Dark chocolate is known to lower blood pressure as well as improving blood flow to the brain and heart! Just make sure it is at least 70 percent cocoa for it to beneficial. You could dip strawberries in melted dark chocolate for a delicious Valentine’s pudding.

Enjoy the finer things in life…in moderation

For some people, wine is the ideal accompaniment to a delicious meal (especially on Valentine’s Day), but its calorific content means having a glass of wine should be considered a special treat, not a nightly occurrence. However, research has shown a 4-ounce glass of red wine can actually help improve cholesterol levels.  Of course, drinking wine should be done in moderation – remember, the amount you drink can quickly go from being beneficial to very unhealthy!

Work up an appetite

Don’t let Valentine’s Day stop you from getting your daily 30 minutes aerobic exercise in, as staying active is one of the keys to a healthy heart. Head out for a long walk with your loved one and work up an appetite before a nice romantic dinner. Life’s all about balance after all!


Martin Ricketts is CEO of Plutus Health 


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