Trevor Gray Memorial Fund

Trevor Gray Memorial Fund money will support training for hospice nurses in new E-learning suite

A donation of £12,600 from a scholarship fund established in memory of lifelong Gwent health supporter Trevor Gray will be used to create a E-Learning centre to support end of life care training for hospice nurses.

The Trevor Gray Scholarship Fund will assist with the delivery of educational courses in conjunction with Gwent-based end of life charity St David’s Hospice Care.

Sleeping in the Heat

Sleeping in the Heat

Having trouble sleeping during the heatwave? Here are some tips to help you sleep during the warmer weather. Sleep is one of the most important things when it comes to our health, mood, and productivity. However, for many people this summer – especially during the UK’s recent heatwave – sleeping in the sweltering heat can be very difficult.

10 tips for newbie runners

10 tips for newbie runners

Planning to exercise more this summer? Running is free, you can do it anywhere and it has a long list of proven health benefits. A commitment to running regularly can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, all while boosting your mood and regulating your weight. Sound good? [...]
Take action to help those with dementia

Take action to help those with dementia

In the UK, someone develops dementia every three minutes. Caring for those suffering with the disease can be challenging, and when that someone is a parent or friend, its effects are all the more distressing. With Dementia Action Week having just come to an end (May 15th to May 21st) Plutus Health CEO, Martin Ricketts has [...]
Understanding bi-polar

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

World Bipolar Day will be celebrated on March 30th and aims to bring awareness to bipolar disorders and eliminate social stigma, improving sensitivity towards the illness through education. With the support of leading experts, the day seeks to promote the need for better treatments and improved methods of diagnosis. Plutus Health CEO Martin Ricketts explains how bipolar disorder, formerly known as [...]

Acupuncture: how it could improve your health

Did you know that our plutus health plans allow you to claim towards the cost of alternative practices such as acupuncture? A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or precautionary purposes. Acupuncture can relieve the pain of migraines or chronic tension type headaches, [...]

Heart healthy Valentine’s Day Tips

Heart healthy Valentine’s Day Tips  By February, many people may have given up on their New Year’s resolutions to get fit or lose weight this year. But for those that are still persevering with their healthy lifestyle, national holidays like Valentine’s Day can act as a big road block in the way, with unhealthy goods [...]